Rules and Etiquette
Dojo Rules
1. Always have a clean Gi
2. Fold your Gi when leaving the dojo
3. Keep all nails trimmed and clean
4. No jewelry can be worn while training
5. Have clean breath
6. Keep your feet clean
7. No shoes on the mat
8. Place all shoes, clothes and bags in the proper locations
9. Do not wear you Gi and belt to class, get changed at the dojo
10. Help to keep the Dojo clean
11. Wear your Hachimaki (headband to help with sweat on the mat)
12. Children must present report cards to Sensei
13. Boys / Men must wear a protective cup
14. No smoking or vaping. Ever….
15. Be 5 minutes early for class to get dressed and be ready to start
16. Treat your mother, father and teachers with respect
17. Treat everyone with respect
18. If you need to leave the mat during class, you must ask to be dismissed
19. Take Notes
20. Practice at home
21. Masakatsu Agatsu – “Victory over oneself”…better yourself every day!
Dojo Etiquette
Etiquette (Traditional Dojo Etiquette):
1. Rei when entering the dojo.
2. Rei when stepping on and off the mat
3. Rei when passing the Shinza
4. Rei to Sensei when passing or when addressing him / her
5. Rei to your training partner at the beginning and end of a training session
6. Everyone is addressed by their last name. Mr. Smith, Ms. Smith, etc.
7. Do not ask to be tested for your next belt, you will be recommended
8. Always keep your Gi and belt tied correctly
9. If you need to fix your belt, turn away from the training area or Sensei and fix it before turning around
10. When Sensei is teaching a lesson, sit in seiza unless told otherwise
11. You should never be ‘taller / higher’ than Sensei. If he is kneeling on the mat, you should shikko walk on the mat and NOT stand up
12. Always wait to be allowed onto or off the mat if a class is in session
13. Address high ranking students as Senpai